Virgo Full Moon on February 24th, 2024
Welcome to the Virgo Full Moon!
Just as we have slid into our warm, bubbly Piscean bath, the Virgo moon reminds us what we are there to do. It isn’t simply to relax our cares away or sink into a reverie. We are also there to clean, heal, restore, and plan some next steps.
This may actually be welcome energy on the heels of an inspiring Aquarian New Moon. Perhaps we already have some fresh ideas about how we want to contribute our divine spark to the community at large. And perhaps the Venus/Mars conjunction in Aquarius has us itching to take action steps towards this end. While Virgo and Aquarius typically don’t play well together, on this occasion Virgo might be just the energy we need to help support and enact whatever plans Venus and Mars are cooking up.
But we must view this dynamic within a Piscean context. The Sun/Mercury/Saturn conjunction in Pisces indicates that the foundation for any new ideas or innovative plans must be grounded (Saturn) in spiritual (Pisces) understanding (Mercury). This might feel a bit awkward—the desire to be of service through practical action (Virgo) pulling against the mandate to be patient and honor divine timing (Saturn and Mercury in Pisces).
Conveniently, Jupiter in Taurus positively aspects both sides of this polarity. Taurus represents Earth energy and the spiritual wisdom found within natural cycles. There is something here for both Pisces and Virgo to love. The Full Moon is asking us to tap into Taoist philosophy: trust that the practical “doing” part of life is meant to be an easy extension of going with the flow.
So, if this Virgo Full Moon starts making us feel a bit anxious, fidgety, or even guilty as we assess our long list of shoulds, remember the quote by Lao Tzu “Nature does not hurry, yet everything is accomplished.”
I’ll just suggest that if there really is any work for Virgo right now, it might serve us best by helping to heal our Aries energy. As I have mentioned in previous posts, the North Node/Chiron conjunction at 16-17 degrees Aries is asking us to bring consciousness to our collective wound of separation. How much of our sense of being a separate self is responsible for our feelings of inadequacy, lack, insecurity, and defensiveness? How does this contribute to our less desirable behaviors of competition, judgment, and aggression? How can we heal the illusion of separation while still maintaining our unique divine spark? Is it possible to use our unique qualities as tools of collaboration, cooperation, and expansion? These will be the deep contemplations to hold during this North Node/Chiron conjunction as well as throughout the entire Aries North Node/Libra South Node transit.
Tarot Cards: Knight of Wands, reversed (pictured upright); Justice, upright
What I find so engaging about this deck is the mixing of elements for a more nuanced reading. The Knight of Wands is pictured as a Dolphin with a fiery spear. The water and fire symbolism speaks to the Sun's recent ingress to Pisces. And the reversal speaks to the diffusion of energy that can result.
There is a beautiful creativity in Pisces that serves as a balm for a weary soul as well as a source of inspiration. But the Dolphin is gently encouraging us to maintain a bit more structure and direction than usual during this transit. Underscoring this message, the Dolphin is associated with the fixed star, Sirius, located at 14 degrees of Cancer. Cancer infuses water with an initiatory, cardinal energy. And like Jupiter in Taurus, Sirius in Cancer positively aspects both Pisces and Virgo energy offering a solution to the polarity. How can we be more like the Dolphin and use the current (the Tao) to our benefit?
The Justice card is reminding me to give some attention to the South Node in Libra which is in an exact opposition to Chiron. Does the idea of a strong, healed Aries energy threaten our Libran dedication to relationships? Are we afraid of what might happen to relationship dynamics if we honor our individual needs or assert our sovereignty? How can we achieve a balance such that our unique divinity enhances our relationships? These questions, along with the Aries North Node questions above, will be increasingly pertinent as we navigate the Aries/Libra axis for the next year or so.
With Love and Moonlight
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